he temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods (2 Chronicles 2:5)
Our first and overriding charge to the members of Living Water Parish in 2019 is to admonish everyone to seek to be their best and do their best in all endeavours throughout the year. In order word, to pursue excellence in the discharge of their family roles; in Christian service and in the services at work and to the community. Bearing in mind that excellence is never an accident, individuals must resolve and be determined in this pursuit no matter the hindrances.
2 Chronicles chapter two gives the account of the preparations king Solomon made to build both his palace and the magnificent temple. In our lead verse for today (v6) he gives insight to his main motivation to do an excellent job – because the work is as to a great and mighty God! Similarly, if we remember God and seek to be accountable to him in daily endeavours, we will also be encouraged to pursue excellence since only the best of us is good enough for our King. Since God id a just rewarder, it is reasonable to avoid mediocrity and half-hearted services/ sacrifices to Him. We will attain excellence by always striving to do better, so we become outstanding and shining examples for all to see. In this way, we shine forth as light to the world and men will therefore behold our good deeds (delivered in excellence), and they will give glory to our God in heaven.
We pray the Lord to make you an excellent vessel of honour in your undertakings.